An illustration from the show poster. Jesse is sitting at piano with lobster claws for hands. The music he is playing spell out J-F-L-E on the pages. Jerome is laying stomach down on top of the piano with his head cradled in his arms as he smiles wearing a Charles Entertinament Cheese head complete with blue cap. Underneath the piano doing something that is probably keeping the whole show together is Aaron Tarnow. Kind of like a piano mechnaic, with his long waving hair and long waving beard.
An icon representing a camera. It has a rounded rectangular shape with a flash in the upper left and its larger lens on the right.

Jesse "Lobster Claw" LE, Jerome "Entertainment" Cheese, Aaron "Aaron Tarnow" Tarnow and many, many talented friends. (Poster by Josie Norton)

Cats become Lion Kings

Past, Current, & Future Broadway

JFLE and their talented friends take Broadway

The Muppets Take Manhattan, JFLE (Jerome & Jesse LE) Take Broadway.

Spanning from Classic to Current to Future Broadway, JFLE and friends take you on a joyous laugh-filled non-stop ride the only way they know how: with everyone on board.

Jerome stands alone on stage dressed in a labrortory coat holding what looks to be turkey baster, but most assuredly is some kind of magic concotion that he as Dr. Jekyll has created. He holds the turkey baster one one hand and is looking at it like before drinking while basted in green light.
An icon representing a camera. It has a rounded rectangular shape with a flash in the upper left and its larger lens on the right.

Jerome as Dr. Jekyl (📸 Photo by Bob Shields

Jesse as Mr. Hyde washed in red light as he moves around the seated crowd. He is standing on a chair with his arms raised, mouth agape, with a top hat and trench coat on.
An icon representing a camera. It has a rounded rectangular shape with a flash in the upper left and its larger lens on the right.

Jesse LE as Mr. Hyde (📸 Photo by Louis Stein


Some of the wonderful people who make it happen.
  • Jesse LE
Musical director
  • Jesse LE
Technical director
  • Aaron Tarnow
  • Jesse LE
  • Jerome Fitzgerald
  • Jerome Fitzgerald
  • Jesse LE