Coming this March to the city of champions, “Sketch Madness,” a new sketch comedy show from the writers and producers of the sold-out triumph “Revue This!” An irreverent look at all things in the wide world of sports, from pro-athletes to rec leagues, from broadcasters to fans, from courtside to the nosebleeds. Sports fanatics and comedy connoisseurs alike will find something to love in this sketch review starring a talented cast of some of the funniest actors in the city. Featuring an all-sports-themed short-form opening set and a special guest appearance from a ‘sports legend.’ You’ll laugh till you cry, so bring your terrible towels!
Opening Act: Sydney Dubose, Matty Frances, Matt Hartman, Missy Moreno, and Drew Sieber
Special Appearance by Jerome Fitzgerald!
This is a two night event: Saturday Details here.
Some of the wonderful people who make it happen.- Sketch Madness
- Jerome Fitzgerald